Friday, 18 August 2017

Research: Media Forms

What Types Of Media Forms Are There?

Firstly media comes in all sorts of forms where communication holds them together. As humans we have wanted to express our opinions to mass audiences for centuries and media is one of the best ways to reach such a mass audience. Over the years technology has improved greatly to the point where it takes a couple of seconds and one touch of a screen to get our opinions out there. However some media had to start off somewhere and one of the greatest media forms is books and literature.

Back when there was hardly any technology books and prints were the fastest way to convey opinions on the world and topics to a mass audience. The print form originated in the fifteenth century and before this period books and novels were either printed manually or copied by hand which was extensive labour. Due to the slow production time of print in these times word hardly was spread much and only reached the rich who could afford them which wasn't the ideal situation writers had. Spoken communication only got so far before the information died out so media wasn't such a great platform back then. We owe a lot to the Print Press made by Johannes Gutenberg as it was the first invention that allowed print to be further available to larger audiences. This invention also brought enlightenment on science meaning without it there would be a knowledge-based community like we are now.
In our modern day Print is still one of the best and most frequently used forms of media used with many people reading newspapers and books daily. It's proven that regular readers of print media tend to be more likely to be politically active and more aware of the opinions and surroundings happening around the world. Also most of the other media forms are follow ups from print media - such as newspapers and magazines - which are broadcasted on the TV or on the Internet.

The radio was the first broadcast media to be presented to a mass audience and the first transmission was sent by the Italian, Marconi, in 1895, and he also sent the first transatlantic radio signal in 1901. When the radio was introduced the first means of communication was by Morse Code -used by the Titanic for an example- which changed shipping massively. Since the 1980's talk radio was one and sill is a massive way to convey opinions -especially political - to the world. Many radio broadcasts have a talk host to firstly make the listeners feel engaged and then present their viewpoints whether they're biased or not. Once the radio was a core communication of media the television broadcasts soon came afterwards which shocked many when they witnessed moving pictures. This new form of broadcast allowed many mediums to be presented to a large audience such as film, music and news. Television is the biggest media form to reach mass audiences with mostly every family owning a TV in the twentieth century it's definitely an improvement from the fifteenth century.

The Internet is such a big platform for communication to the world, it is very accessible to anyone and mostly everyone can convey their opinions in blogs, websites and apps. Websites can provide audio, text and video information, all of the ways traditional media are transmitted. It's one of the biggest information, if not the biggest, outlets in the world and wasn't expanded for popular use until the 1990s due to it being firstly used for the military. The Internet is slowly taking over newspapers which were the main source of news for television broadcasts, now most news channels rely on news posts in order to create their news broadcasts instead of newspapers. The technology spread like wildfire, and soon a personal computer became as much of a necessity in a home as the TV set. Blogs are also one of the key parts to the internet that make such a big effect on a mass audience as they range from a very wide selection of topics and hobbies and almost everyone can find a blog they're interested in or influenced by.

Images and Sound
Without the invention of photography we wouldn't have been able to document and share important events with the world or even create films. Together images and sound create stories and present opinions to a mass audience quickly and effectively, almost better than reading from a book due to the imagination not being used for the witness to understand the point. This heavily links into broadcast media with radios and TV networks and without images or sound broadcast media couldn't exist.

Overall there are loads of media forms that make it so easy to reach a mass audience, however the internet beats all of the forms due to it having such a wide skill range to reach the whole world. 

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